Monday, November 9, 2009

Moving On Up!

NThreeQ is proud to announce that they are moving office locations after only 5 short month's in their current space. With the newest addition - Angel Martinez, we needed more space and our own desks. We are able to take on even more projects and give the same amount of attention to our clients - which is why we do what we do. We enjoy having close relationships with our clients - hearing about their children growing up or about other passions. We wouldn't be where we are without our clients and this new move is no exception. Having our own, independent space is both liberating and scary. As a business owner there are things that you plan and there are things that you don't - in my grand design Angel wasn't in the plan and here she is. A new office after only 5 months in the current office wasn't a plan yet, here we are.

The new office is even closer to downtown Phoenix - our new favorite place to eat and go out. We love the culture and the people of downtown - it's more adult and everyone has a more laid back personality. After spending 4 years going out in Scottsdale it's like a breath of fresh air - it's just beautiful.

We hope to focus our efforts even more with restaurants - our success is great with Central Grille and Loco Patron - we were able to give them exactly what they needed. We now hope to gain even more relationships with the local restaurants in Central, Midtown and Downtown Phoenix. We are also planning on continuing to grow with our non-profits - that is where we started and that is where our passion is - being a part of them is just natural.

NThreeQ was built on clients that are part of the community and want to better it - we have been a part of it since day one and now being closer to the heart of Phoenix just makes us feel the heart beat a little bit louder.

To Success,
Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Monday, November 2, 2009

5 years

I laid in bed last night thinking of the last 5 years and from then to now what has changed. I feel that prior to 5 years ago I am who I am now. And I spent the last 5 years re-building what I already knew I had but had to fall in order to appreciate it.

I believe that you must lose what you have in order to gain it back and appreciate it even more. See, 5 years ago I was running away from a violent relationship that ended in court dates and orders of protection. I was running in to the arms of someone else that I felt could "save me" but in the end he finished off what was already crumbling.

That is what compelled me to go become the person I knew that I was. Crying on the phone to my best friend she asked me what I wanted, and what I wanted was my MBA and my freedom. And that's exactly what I received. I didn't need anyone - especially to "save me." All the while he lie preying on my feelings and emotions - I thought that he would always be there.

5 years later - he is not beside me - nor was that ever his plan. We have all moved on and grown. Both strong entrepreneur's in our own industries - we run in to one another from time to time. He remembers the good and the fun - I'm reminded of what I was escaping from.

It makes me reflect on the possibility of me ever affecting someone and I think nothing of it and they do. Isn't that always the case? People touch our lives in different ways and some we keep and some we don't but they are a part of shaping us to the people that we are today.

I envision that in 5 more years I will be on the cover of Inc. Magazine - as one of the most successful entrepreneur's of the year - with a top design firm in Arizona and very sought after. I believe that that particular past of mine will be old and very over - seeing him will only be a distant memory left in the vault of "Life's Lesson's Learned." I will say I owe my success to my father and to Angel. To my family for putting up with all my long hours and workaholic personality. And most importantly - grateful of surviving a bad time in life and overcoming it.

Some people think I'm crazy that I'm that open about such a time in my life. I'm not ashamed of it, I don't hide it. Truthfully, I don't know where I would be or who I would be without that particular puzzle piece to my life - therefore I embrace it and hope that others learn from me as well.

So to the next 5 years and beyond that. We can't change the past but we can shape the future. I know where I will be in 5 years - how about you?

Angelina Gonzales
Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC