I cannot believe that we just hit May. It's unbelievable, we are almost in the middle of the year and before I know it we will be in 2011. Wow, how time flies. I can't even keep track of it any more. Some things seem like it just happened last week and it was months ago.
I have learned a lot, as I always seem to blog about. But even more so in the last month. I am FINALLY beginning to learn about balance and how many people I have surrounded myself with that care about me. It's truly an honor to have these people in my life.
So now what? Find people that care about you and are supportive. Work with clients that are supportive and where they trust you and your judgment. I'm lucky to be able to tell my clients it might be a few hours - taking care of my dog and they understand. We have a working relationship but we are also family. That's how I enjoy working with my clients, I think that it's important to just enjoy what you are doing, everything else will come.
To much success,
NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Designer