I love when people are passionate about what they do. It's inspiring, to hear what they believe and where they came from - I could listen to people talk about how staying positive and putting things out in the universe that you want will ultimately give you something in return. Sometimes disguised as something else, but never the less a beautiful little gem of a gift for life.
So here is what I got from this conversation:
Rather than reflecting on the here and the now, focus more on opportunities and possibilities. I have repeated that over and over in my head for the past week, and it is truly changing the way that I think. Every time there is a negative or something that is difficult that comes up in business I just focus more on the future and the opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.
Which, if you really think about it, could literally be anything. It's quite impressive. Imagine just putting it out there that this is what you want and that the here and the now is only the foundation of getting those amazing possibilities?
I love it.
Stop focusing on the money. If you do what you love and stop focusing on the dollar amount, on what you have or don't have or what material things you want, you will never be happy. I went from wanting to make a dollar amount to just wanting to be happy, successful and able to travel and live life and pay the bills. I no longer have some number in my head that I must achieve, I believe that when you focus on the opportunities and possibilities - the money will come. And when it does, you will be happy with where you are at that it won't define you anymore.
It's very freeing, and it just opens my mind.
I hope that I get to have lunch with this person again. He just knows how to life your spirit up and now I just know that building what I am building it will happen and that success and happiness and over all joy for life is just around the corner.
To success,
Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC
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