I have a confession - I make time to play Farmville on Facebook - laugh if you must but it's true. However, there's a story behind that might be a shocker.
I moved in to a new place in June and my mom came out to help me clean and put it all together - thank goodness I thought I was going to lose my head! I was checking my FB page one day and I saw that my brother's girlfriend had posted new pics of their kid - so I asked my mom if she saw the new pics. She said no and where could she see them - I told her Facebook. She had no idea what I was talking about - let's recap my mom. She's a preschool teacher - has been for the last 20 years and she just now got away from a "Pre-paid" cell phone - although I'm told it's still a "flip phone."
So, low and behold a few days after my mom leaves Phoenix to go home she friends me on Facebook. I was surprised, she had a profile picture and everything! She began reconnecting with my cousins and Uncles and Aunts and her friends and then me and my cousins re-connected and us crazy Italians all re-connected on Facebook - very cool I might add.
Then, my mom begins writing on my wall, and she even posted on my birthday how she remembers giving birth to me which is about as bad as being 10 and your mom uses her spit to clean your face. I'm a grown woman here - but as I have learned life is precious and I am grateful to have such a great family.
But now back to Farmville! My mom has gotten used to sending me emails just asking to email her back and let her know I'm alive - it's been too long since she's heard from me. Now with this FB reconnection she see's my posts and knows I'm alive, what my mood is and how my days going. She then decided to get in to Farmville and so did my Uncle - they are like level 59 which is probably farmer ninja for all I know. I think I just made it to level 15!
My mom asked me to get a farm and be her neighbor. My Uncle is my neighbor too. And we all play Farmville. I told my mom she was crazy to make me do this - how will I find the time! But every morning my mom and Uncle's little character is there to offer help and every night she fertilizes and takes care of my farm. It seems to be our little family game time as I've grown to an adult and moved away.
I'm even neighbors with one of my clients and we help each other's farms out too.
Every morning I take 15 minutes to plant new items and plow my field, accept my families help and send them gifts while accepting their gifts. Every night they each post a surprise gift on my FB page.
I know what you are thinking, your laughing, I am too. My friends laugh too but says it's sweet. Times have changed since I used to sit on the floor and play memory or Candyland with my mom. How funny how life can be so cyclical!
So, if ever I have told you that Social Media is a must for business it is! Blogging and key words and SEO and tweeting and posting is a must. But, my little secret is out - I also use social media to let my parents know that I'm alive and what I'm up to. Just the other day my dad told me how much he enjoyed reading my blogs - who would've thought?
So keep up the social media - while keeping connected with your family too! You never know who's reading it!
To success,
NThreeQ Media, LLC
Arizona Graphic Design
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