Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Post Generator

I have thought about a new blog topic over and over again. I'm tired of thinking about this magazine fiasco and dealing with newbie designers going rogue via social media. I wrote a whole blog yesterday about things that you should never do to others in your industry - but honestly if you don't already know how to be professional and ethical one more freelancer out of the biz. I will say one thing though, there are things that you shouldn't do in business and in design. Never turn on your fellow designers, never judge others when you know only half the story and never air your clients operational issues via twitter or anything else via the internet for that matter.

Okay, enough on that topic, although I don't think I have many words of wisdom for this Friday morning. Oh! I took up Bikram Yoga, that is awesome, I escape the workforce early on Fridays and go spend 90 minutes in not sure how hot of a room. I will say that you feel so good and so relaxed afterwards its better than a massage and I think you burn about 900 calories - go me!

I'm excited to be doing something other than work this weekend. Going to the bodies exhibit, have Sunday afternoon Sangria and will probably call the BFF for a night out of girls fun. Get back in the swing of things and have a fun weekend. I also need to finish the wall mural in the kitchen and the seating area in the office - how did I get so behind?!

I've won some pretty great websites lately and we are T-minus a few weeks to launching 2 huge websites. A 3rd one will be sitting on a cloud server with an estimate million hits a month to be predicted - doesn't get much larger than that. A few more are in the works and I have finally found the balance between getting project and not having to sacrifice price. I guess you go into your 11th year of design and 4th year of business you know your quality of work and what you can put out.

Well, I promise I will have a better blog topic over the weekend or perhaps Monday! it's back to work!

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Design

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