Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the year

We are coming upon the end of the year and this is my last blog post of the year. *sigh*

I am going on year #4 from the start of my company - I can't believe that it's been 4 years already. What some waves I have gone through and I am so excited for 2011. Work has not even slowed down - not even on Christmas day.

2010 have been a year full of growth, tragedy and soul searching. I have experienced love and loss and everything in between. Here's what I have loved and what I have lost.


  1. I learned that living and spending time with my 3 year nephew was both rewarding and frustrating. Rewarding to see such a little person grown and learn. Frustrating for 3am chocolate milk demands. :0)
  2. I learned that if you are liked by everyone you are doing something wrong
  3. I learned what unconditional love was - losing my great love, my German shepherd Modena.
  4. I learned that being surrounded by a handful of people that only want the best for you is better than being surrounded by a 100 of your "closest" friends
  5. I have learned to stop being a people pleaser and allowing others to take advantage of my kindness. "Never mistake my kindness for weakness"
  6. I have learned not to dwell on people I can't control and things that should not matter
  7. I have learned balance between personal time, work time, love and friends
  8. I have learned that when all my bills are paid in the beginning I sleep better
  9. I have learned to love what I do once again and empower others
  10. And most importantly - I have learned that Dreams Do Come True

I made a great decision on how I am spending my New Years Eve, although not agreeable to everyone. I almost changed my mind and was going to go out but I learned this year to not let others push me in to making decisions I'm not comfortable with.

I have made amazing project pieces this year and 2011 will be starting off with a bang with 2 very large websites launching in January and February. My non-profits are making huge strides and I cannot wait to see what new clients and projects I get next year.

I will still be working with the German shepherd rescue organization - I recently named a new comer, her name is now Juliet. I plan on walking in the petsmart charities walk to support the rescue in February so stay tuned for more information on that!

Have a very safe New years eve and a very happy new year!

To success,
Phoenix Graphic Designer

NThreeQ Media, LLC

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Building Launch!

One of my favorite clients to work with has launched their new website with a new look! I have had the honor for working with John Trent for the last few years and I truly love what his ministry does! His goal is to reach out to parents, singles, children and every one in between to help build a strong family.

This website is about 114 pages, flash banner on the homepage and custom built e-commerce. Just beautiful!

Check out the website, the material, the speakers and the bookstore for great information!

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Friday, December 3, 2010

Just Moved! Remodel!

After many months of a gigantic website the launch or is finally here! Standing at 350 pages large, admin console to control the entire website, a public forum and shopping cart this giant of a website has been re-faced, re-build and re-launched.

Just Moved is an organization that helps women who are moving - especially in the military. They are an international ministry that strives to connect women with each other - assisting with friendships, contacts, help for their children and just a shoulder to lean on.

It's organizations like this that help us to help one another during difficult times like a move. Check out the website, pass it along, browse the cart and enjoy! These women are doing something great!

Just Moved!

To success!

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Design

Friday, November 19, 2010

Gift Card Galore

I didn't sleep well last night. I was worrying a lot about a lot of little things that really aren't significant in the grand scheme of things. I woke up for my run - first run since I've had food poisoning all week. Felt good to get outside in the fresh air with my iPod and just go.

I live in downtown Phoenix and I run through a park that is on Central. There are many people that sleep there and a few that live there. 2 in particular have become friends of mine and we chat, say good morning and have light conversation. They are are very nice and as the weather has gotten cold I have worried about them. I brought them breakfast and hot coffee last week, figured I would do that each week.

Today I talked to them and learned that one of them has been in downtown for 38 years, I am still trying to figure out his whole story. I learned that he has 4 blankets and where he sleeps at night because he prefers this over chaos in one of the shelters. The other one, I don't have his whole story. He came walking back as we talked. He goes every morning and gets coffee from Krispy Kreme for a $.27 refill - today he learned that they raised their coffee price to $1.25 a cup and they cannot afford it anymore.

I smiled and told them to have a nice day they told me the same. I felt bad. I was worrying about small stuff but as I looked at my bed I sleep in every night and took my hot shower I realized that nothing is that bad. I decided that I would go to Kripsy Kreme today and buy them a gift card to use for coffee and stop and the sandwich place next door and get one from there too.

Then it started me thinking. Kristi told me she has gift cards that are 2 years old that she will never use - I have a few friends that told me that. So I decided to start asking anyone if they have a fast food gift card that they will never use - I have a few in my wallet. Every week or so I'm going to give them to my homeless friends in the park so they have the ability to get something warm to eat and drink.

Downtown is a community and we look out for one another. So if you see someone where life has served them up something not so sweet maybe a gift card would help - it's actual food not money or bringing food. If you have some and want to mail or drop them off to me let me know! I will make sure that they get in the hands of someone that needs and deserves it. I'll even talk them in to letting me get their picture.

I wrote a check the other day for St. Mary's Food Bank and I know that will be put to good use for families but I enjoy seeing what I can do as a direct impact. I always told myself that as soon as I had a little to give that I would give it and now I'm getting that opportunity.

So dig in your purses, wallets, dresser drawers and junk drawers - find those gift cards and lets put them to good use!

To Success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Better not Bitter - so appropriate

I came across an article the other day talking about facebook and relationships. As a website company we push and push and push for social media and facebook pages and fan pages but if you are in a relationship - what does it do to that?

A society driven so much by technology that we become socially unaware of how to communicate with people - we text or email and phone and face to face conversation becomes obsolete. And then what happens when the dreaded - I was deleted feeling comes over you. You broke up or things just didn't work out and then all of a sudden you aren't facebook buddies anymore - and it hurts your feelings.

Astounding right? We use social media to stay connected to people - see what they are up to, promote our business, say what we are up to and generally stay connected 24 hours a day. Remember when the news started coming on 24 hours a day? It used to just be 2 or 3 times a day - now it's 24 hours a day.

We are social creatures by nature - and human beings with feelings. So here's what the article suggested - either you and your mate are not connected to one another on facebook or you don't visit one anothers page. If something bothers you talk about it - but really don't give them a reason to. Ultimately don't let facebook rule your personal life - only your business. I have said it in the past there is barely separation between the 2 however this is case where it's possible.

The biggest thing is really, if you get deleted I promise you it's not the end of the world. It is always difficult to lose a friend but then again there is always a reason to. And if you did the deleting - well I hope it was worth it. Hey, I've deleted and been deleted - quite frankly the amazing part is, is live goes on.

My fortune cookie said today that "The difficulties in life are supposed to make us better, not bitter." So appropriate.

To success,

Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A super hero

I'm dedicating this blog to my good friend Kristi. Who, after 11 years still knows how to drive me crazy but pick me up off the concrete crying only to make me feel like a super hero again. She told me I was her super hero last night, when I was having a moment of feeling sorry for myself because even at the top of my game - it's still lonely and nothing is ever perfect. But perfection really is in the eyes of the beholder and Kristi and I have learned over the years that we accept each other for who we are - we don't always agree and we definitely get angry at each other but at the end of the day - when the tears flow - words aren't necessary.

Everyone should have a Kristi in their life and here's why. She never sugar coats anything for you - but will be there when you screw up. You can literally tell her anything and she will annoyingly tell you how to turn it in to a positive. She knows how to not dwell on the bad and to appreciate the life that has been given to her. She'll tell you to go change or she's not going out with you - but you better believe she would have to go change too. She'll defend you at your most vulnerable point or talk to the guy you are dating to put in to words what you cannot express properly.

She's not afraid of love or to go for what or who she wants. She's not afraid to walk up and talk to anyone. She's quite an amazing person.

Among all the wolves and predators that are out there in the big bad world. I have learned to only let those in that truly deserve it and then never let them go, including family. They are truly the only advice that you should listen to and take because they are only looking out for what's in your best interest and nothing else.

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A wolf in sheep's clothing

remember the days of being a fresh graphic artist/webmaster and thinking that I knew everything. And then coming to find out I still had so much to learn. I never wanted to let anyone in or listen to what they know how to do. But seriously, hands down if you are smarter or know skills I don't I will listen.

It's funny too - when you meet other graphic artists you can tell the ones that are new to the business and the ones that have been around for awhile. The new ones look at you as competition, they flex their guns and knowledge and treat you not very nice. The old ones - well we figure out who is good at what. What projects we have going on and how we can work together to get even more work. No 2 designers have the same skills - some are good at grunge or edgy some are good a corporate or professional some are right in the middle. Some claim to be it all, graphic artist good at all and web programmer good at all too. Well, that's just not so. You are either a programmer or a designer and although you can do both either the programming lacks or the design lacks. Really, you can do more and build more when you aren't doing it all yourself - this is why I have programmers - experts in their own fields and we all work together.

And why am I on this triad about the good designers versus the bad? Well I believe I have a wolf in my circle of sheep. I have this sneaking suspicion that there are some ulterior motives. It's quite interesting - I do enjoy when others doubt me - my knowledge or my skills. I don't enjoy feeling like someone is getting close to me in hopes of who knows what - I'm going with a newbie feeling the need to take me out versus work together with me. Or get close to learn secrets - LOL!

You know, it's not the skills that one has that makes you successful it's the entire package. I guess I've just reached level 5 right? Getting bigger so now it's on to this. This could be fun!

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pet Blessing and Benefit Sat Nov. 6th!

As many of you know I lost my German shepherd back in May. I have begun volunteering with a local German shepherd rescue where they will be a part of this benefit where all the proceeds benefit animal rescue. I have had the opportunity to meet 2 great white German shepherds - the most recent is Bryce. He will be with me on Saturday showing his stuff to potential adopters. Come on out, it's a great event with an even better cause.

Date: Saturday, November 6, 2010
Start Time: 10:00 am

New Vision Center for Spiritual Living
18010 N Tatum Blvd. Phoenix AZ 85032 (directions below)

Join us for our annual Pet Blessing and Adoption Fair! It’s a day to celebrate our animal friends. A lot will be happening from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm!

Blessing of the Animals - Please bring your pet on a leash or in a carrier for the Blessing of Animals by Rev. Michelle.

Pet Adoptions - Rescue Groups with healthy, adoptable dogs, cats, rats and rabbits will be available. This is the time to adopt a new, loving companion. So many have lost their homes and need your love and assistance right now.

Pet Fostering - If you can’t adopt right now, we have a great need for foster families for abandoned pets. A special senior subsidized foster program is also available.

Also Pet Communicator Debbie Johnstone, Animal Chaplains Donna Rae Yuritic and Kris and Craig Haley will be present. Raffle items and animal specific vendors will also be on hand for this event.

Special Drawing - Donate a bag of dog or cat food and receive a free raffle ticket for the drawing for pet supplies, services and other great items.

New Vision Center for Spiritual Living located on N. Tatum Blvd, between the 101 and Bell Road - across the street from Moon Valley Nursery.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Domain Name and the Lost World

I have learned a few more things about domain names, customer service and registrar company's of domain names. I use GoDaddy - I'm a big fan. I'm an affiliate of their products and I just love them. CEO Bob Parsons is actually one of my marketing heroes - he knows how to push the envelope just enough to get media attention but not be over the top and offend - it's quite a difficult balance to obtain.

Here's what I have also learned - GoDaddy has amazing customer service - 24/7 and guess what? Their nice and you can tell that they enjoy their jobs. You ever call your cell phone company or utility company and you know that these people just hate their jobs and are having a bad day and just want to make your day bad too? Those are the people that I kill with kindness - quite fun actually.

So here's the issue - Network Solutions - if you have domain names with them transfer to GoDaddy for $7 and run!!! I have always not been a fan of Network Solutions - they charge $34 a year for a domain name - the same name at GoDaddy is roughly around $10. How's that possible - quite frankly I have no idea. That's not my biggest problem. They have a rule: if your domain name expires you get 45 days and 2 emails then they release it. Really? GoDaddy - gives you an email every other day to renew and about 60-90 days - why? They must like their customer more?

Here's the problem. We all have things go on in our lives and yes domain names expire and sometimes you run out of time. My client had this exact problem, he has tons of domain names with them as well as a "Gold VIP Member" which apparently means nothing to network solutions because at midnight of day 45 they released the domain to the lost world. Now it's in "redemption land" and for the bargain price paid to network solutions of $150 they can get their domain name back or what 3-4 months until they release it out of redemption land to try and get it again.

Are you kidding me? I have been slowly migrating my clients services from network solutions to GoDaddy so I called them to see if they could help. Their representative actually took the time to really research and see if there was anything that they could do - that's customer service! He couldn't - because of the death grip that they have on it - but the fact he tried made all the difference.

We haven't decided which route we are going to go - pay $150 for a domain name they already own or let it point don't do business with a company that doesn't value you as a client. The rep from Network solutions told me that in her opinion 45 days was plenty of time - you know what? Life Happens. Don't lecture me, help me.

My advice: stop paying $34 a year and move to GoDaddy for $10 a year where you can call a number at midnight, have a human answer and stay on the phone with you to answer all your questions.

In this world - customer service is everything.

To success!
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Monday, October 18, 2010

St. Mary's Foodbank Damaged in Phoenix

I was told about this over the weekend - I think I must be in a cave for not watching the news! Phoenix was hit the other week with a powerful hail storm which caused the skylights at the St. Mary's Food bank to be broken out and the place filled with water. St. Mary's provides food to many needy families in the Valley. I have included the link to the video from the news on what happened and how to help. I know I'll be hitting the grocery store today and dropping off some canned goods!

To success!

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Design

Monday, October 11, 2010

One of our biggest projects - Literally!

I finally was able to take a drive out to Maricopa to snag some pictures of the billboard we did for a real estate agent. The billboard is 40ft. x 10ft. and is truly amazing! I posted some pics below!

Billboard picture one


NThreeQ can do it all - design, web, print!

To success,
Phoenix Graphic Design

Thursday, October 7, 2010

N3Q and it's Extreme website!

As a designer I try and distance myself from my designs, can't become attached because your feelings can get hurt and that's not what it's about - it really has nothing to do with me. However, we have just built-designed and launched probably one of the coolest websites. My programmer and I after 10 years in the industry are just giddy about it! Check it out - let me know what you think!

We did the logo, the entire website design and layout - we are doing stickers, t-shirts,and designed all the stationary and sell sheets. The book launches next year - it's just too exciting.

Website is - and if you appreciate extreme sports check out the videos - there's a twist to this site but very cool.

To success!

Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Social Media from one spot!

I'm in love with postling and have to share it with the world. As a graphic artist and business owner it's important that I connect to as many social media outlets possible. I constantly drive SEO home to my clients and have gotten in the habit of testing all my theories first. There are many of these systems out there for social media and so far my favorite is It's a way for you to consolidate all of your social media in to one area so you are not having to log in to your wordpress, log in to tumbler, log in to facebook, log in to twitter etc. You can connect all of them to postling, log in there and if you write a blog you can select which blog you want it to post to, you want to update your status? You can do that and instantly post to your FB and twitter accounts. You can even insert the link from your blog on wordpress in to your status update for twitter.

It also gives you the ability to publish your posts now or later - you can schedule them to post even when you are doing other things. If you updgrade to their premium it shows you tracking and who's interacting with what the most. I love it, it's such a time saver and it gives me the ability to really work on spreading the word without having to log in to many, many other sites.

Check it out! You can even add your yelp and flicker accounts.

To success!

Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Friday, October 1, 2010

Change of Scenery

I'm an artist. I can't conform to the norm. Nor do I want to. Nor do I have to!

Sure I can set my own hours and what not but every morning I still have to walk downstairs to my office. Sit in the same spot for 12 hours taking little breaks to go upstairs to get coffee and make a salad for lunch, but oh how is that getting to me! I don't have to get ready, and spend half the day in my running clothes before jumping though the shower but still....

So I think I'm going to coffee shop hop today. I'm starting at paradise bakery and will move around from there. Why not? People bar hop, why can't I coffee shop hop and hook up to free wifi spots? I am jamming out on my headphones to music and I'm sure a sight to see with my head bopping and shaking and mouthing the lyrics - at least I'm not singing out loud.

I needed a change of scenery, can't sit in that office any more and some how I feel very light-hearted and good today. A little refreshed I suppose - I was actually in my car at 8am driving which I believe it has been about 2 years since I have done that. I'm currently at paradise bakery having coffee and a muffin but I think that after that and my meeting I will go find another place to drink more coffee and find wifi and people watch - which happens to be one of my favorite things to do.

Who knew that's all it took to recharge yourself?!

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Design

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Insert Subject Line Here

I have written and re-written about 3 blogs this morning and I don't like any of the topics. I began by talking about TBD - too busy disorder because I have been hearing that a lot from one of my friends and it is very annoying. Truly, we are all busy. I either hear too busy or how their world is ending due to some type of unforeseen circumstance. Here's the thing, people are losing their homes, cars and jobs. If it's not one of those I can assure that your world is not coming to an end. It sounds alittle harsh but we run through life so focused on ourselves or what isn't going right for us that we forget about the big bad world out there. The people that really need our help, the animals that really need our help. There's cancer and sickness, home foreclosures, car repossession and job loss. Seriously, it's crazy out there. I've even had to slap myself a few times when I feel like complaining and stop it. Things are tough sure, I worry about paying the bills all the time, have to come up with X amount of dollars in the next 4 days to pay rent but shoot, life is good and I'm not going hungry. Although, I really like ramen and it's quite fulfilling - just add a slice of cheese and some garlic pepper and you go "gourmet".

So then off to topic 2 that was deleted too. Mindy, amazing German shepherd rescue dog found a new home. I actually couldn't be more thrilled. I think that friends and family alike were worried that I would do something dramatic at the thought of that but I was really really happy to find out that that crazy puppy who was abandoned in Cali and brought Az just found a loving home. There are 4 more shepherds coming to this rescue this week and now I get to play with another one and show them love until they get a good home too. Makes it all seem worth it....although I would prefer to have my German Shepherd back it seems like a piece of her lives in all of these dogs - Mindy was the same little princess as Modena and it warmed my soul.

Off to topic 3. My cup is not running over right now. So, oh universe that I love so much I am putting it out there that I need some big projects. I am going to manifest big projects, win the ones that I bid on last week and win the proposal that I just wrote for a government project. Oh yes, I am submitting on this amazing project that would be awesome to have, it would mean - dare I say the scary word that artist's shy away from so much? Stability. Oh yes, I said the word. that gets submitted this Friday and I'll know by Oct if I am the winner - which of course NThreeQ Media ultimate graphic design firm in Arizona will win it.

Topic 4. I have an old childhood friend find me through this blog and on facebook and we recently reconnected. That is always crazy to me. I hated school, really hated highschool - so much that I graduated early and ran off to Arizona to go to college where I then fell in love with school and now have a master's degree. Funny how the universe knows better than you. I stopped trying to force things ages ago and just go with the flow now, find the road or new road or new track or lets just cut through and go over the mountain for fun? At some point in our messaging he told me I was an inspiration to him. Isn't that funny? I would have never thought that I would be inspiration to anyone and here we are - Angelina. Inspiration. I think that's kind of awesome.

So I sit here with no topic that I can decide on to talk about and am in a very strange but good mood for a Tuesday. I have another new hair color - bright red, and my landscapers still have planted my grass outside. My A/C went out on my rental house but my renters were totally amazing and understanding - it's fixed again. We are about to move in to October and for the first time in years I am contemplating a Halloween costume and am excited about it - I blame my new BFF Jen for that one.

To sum everything up: we are given a life but it is up to us to live it. We live through the negative because we become better because of it. Stop whining. If we dwell we will never be happy, if we settle we will never find our destiny. If this were your last day on earth would you have done everything that you wanted to do? If not, do it. Smile at a stranger, say good morning to everyone you see, hug your kids/family/friends/clients. Look to the sky and say what a great day.

To success!

NthreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Design

Monday, September 20, 2010

I cannot lie - I play FB Farmville...

I have a confession - I make time to play Farmville on Facebook - laugh if you must but it's true. However, there's a story behind that might be a shocker.

I moved in to a new place in June and my mom came out to help me clean and put it all together - thank goodness I thought I was going to lose my head! I was checking my FB page one day and I saw that my brother's girlfriend had posted new pics of their kid - so I asked my mom if she saw the new pics. She said no and where could she see them - I told her Facebook. She had no idea what I was talking about - let's recap my mom. She's a preschool teacher - has been for the last 20 years and she just now got away from a "Pre-paid" cell phone - although I'm told it's still a "flip phone."

So, low and behold a few days after my mom leaves Phoenix to go home she friends me on Facebook. I was surprised, she had a profile picture and everything! She began reconnecting with my cousins and Uncles and Aunts and her friends and then me and my cousins re-connected and us crazy Italians all re-connected on Facebook - very cool I might add.

Then, my mom begins writing on my wall, and she even posted on my birthday how she remembers giving birth to me which is about as bad as being 10 and your mom uses her spit to clean your face. I'm a grown woman here - but as I have learned life is precious and I am grateful to have such a great family.

But now back to Farmville! My mom has gotten used to sending me emails just asking to email her back and let her know I'm alive - it's been too long since she's heard from me. Now with this FB reconnection she see's my posts and knows I'm alive, what my mood is and how my days going. She then decided to get in to Farmville and so did my Uncle - they are like level 59 which is probably farmer ninja for all I know. I think I just made it to level 15!

My mom asked me to get a farm and be her neighbor. My Uncle is my neighbor too. And we all play Farmville. I told my mom she was crazy to make me do this - how will I find the time! But every morning my mom and Uncle's little character is there to offer help and every night she fertilizes and takes care of my farm. It seems to be our little family game time as I've grown to an adult and moved away.

I'm even neighbors with one of my clients and we help each other's farms out too.

Every morning I take 15 minutes to plant new items and plow my field, accept my families help and send them gifts while accepting their gifts. Every night they each post a surprise gift on my FB page.

I know what you are thinking, your laughing, I am too. My friends laugh too but says it's sweet. Times have changed since I used to sit on the floor and play memory or Candyland with my mom. How funny how life can be so cyclical!

So, if ever I have told you that Social Media is a must for business it is! Blogging and key words and SEO and tweeting and posting is a must. But, my little secret is out - I also use social media to let my parents know that I'm alive and what I'm up to. Just the other day my dad told me how much he enjoyed reading my blogs - who would've thought?

So keep up the social media - while keeping connected with your family too! You never know who's reading it!

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Arizona Graphic Design

Friday, September 17, 2010

A friend is a friend until there's a problem

I subscribe to a newsletter that is specifically for graphic designers and I had to laugh at the last one's topic. I felt that it was so appropriate from everything that has gone on in my business world the last few weeks that I just had to share it with you!

The title was great: How to get better clients

It opens up with a story about someone in a legal battle over $50,000 worth of work with a client. And as this person is telling their story they drop the F bomb - and I'm not talking about the bad word. He said that he thought that this client was his FRIEND and he could not believe that this was happening. He said that disagreements started about the project and then his client tells him that they need to stop the project. His client low-balled him with a number to pay him for all of his work which seemed like more of an insult than anything else. He had nothing in writing however his attorney told him that he had a good case. He said something that really stuck with me: Good contracts make great clients.

I have had this happen to me too - a friend hired me to do a project that turned out to be a giant mess. In a business relationship there is a level of trust that needs to occur. If you are hiring a graphic artist or web developer you are hiring them because they are an expert in their field and you aren't. Which is okay. I'm not a legal expert, or an accounting expert - hence why I have attorney's and accountants. In business you have to all work together for the common good. Every subconsultant that I work with has to sign an NDA - no matter how long we have worked together or our level of tust. That's the same thing that my dad said. I told him, frustrated one day that I just needed to stop working for friends. He said "No, you need to make sure there is a clear understanding from the beginning." He is so right.

So here are the tips for designers to avoid something like this happening - but in my opinion if you are reading this you are shkaing your head because you have probably had a certain circumstance occur. These tips can work for both the hired person and the person that hired them. Clear lines and boundaries!

1. Always have a contract - CYA and put it in writing!

2. Outline expectations for both parties. Remember outlines? Revive them from the dead and start using them!

3. Agree to structure and timing of project - one of the most difficult things I had to learn was needing more time due to unforseen issues. It was a giant site that had nothing that wasn't custom programmed - put it in the contract that things can happen when it's all custom. Focus on milestones, and keep strong communication when issues arise.

4. Outline structure of confidentiality

5. Client approval - what your roles and responsibilities are

6. Terms of payment - money will get you every time. It's the easiest thing to argue about. Make sure that it is clearly outlined how and when you are going to get paid.

7. Communicate! Even on the phone. Emails can be misunderstod more often than not. You may think someone is upset but talking on the phone it's not the case. We are a society that assumes the worst and we have to work on re-training ourselves to not jump to conclusions and pick up the phone!

Now, like I said. I'm not an attorney nor well versed in the law. But every time something goes awry or a client gets difficult I take time to decompress the situation and figure out what I could have done differently or said differently. Regardless, it's going to happen. And as I have learned over the last few weeks - I can't please everyone no matter how hard I try and making sure everyone involved understands the expectations.

I actually had to keep telling myself over and over again last night that I am only human. I really am. Not sure if I forget that or other people forget that. But I am human, I do make mistakes and things aren't always perfect nor will they ever be. I think what sets me apart is my passion, compassion, dedication and honesty. Sometimes it bites me in the you know what - but I would rather be compassionate for my work and clients than a robot who never absorbs anything I create.

It's a give and a take - it's all about relationships and as most of you know - I'm no good at those. But I am good at business and strategy and giving people what they want - and if I could be a giant purple super hero I would consider it. But alas, I am not. I am just me trying to build my graphic design empire one project at a time.

have a wonderful weekend! My will be set creating some new goals, throwing out some old ones and re-organzing my ancient white board that keeps me on my task list.

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Arizona Graphic Design

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Personal and Business - not so seperate

It is time to look at my goals - and no, I didn't come up with that idea by myself. No, as I'm talking to my dad for the 80th time about business and things going wrong he asks me if I have looked at my goals recently, and the answer is no. I mean technically no.

They exist, they hang behind me - poking at me and nagging at me to make sure that I am on track. But alas, I am not on track. I'm very off track. I've actually decided that I'm just going to build new track right here. Bright and shiny and new.

So as I listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata I blog my very personal blog about my life because personal and business is not so seperate and I enjoy sharing me, because this is me. Designer, Entrepreneur, Heart on my Sleeve - me.

Since May, there has been drama every single month since then. It's September and I think I have found the last shattered piece of my heart and have used the last drop of super glue to put it all back together.

You see, I'm a planner. A perfectionist. Everything has to be just so. I don't do spontaneous. The last spontaneous thing I did was taking off to LA for a little down time. I drove with friends half the night to LA, spent the day at the beach, the night at a club and the next day packing and heading to LAX while on the phone with my dad booking me a flight - get me the heck out of LA and back to Phoenix. Thank goodness too - I was so busy with work that it was not the right time for me to leave. Work is my life, and although I try to step out of my comfort zone, this is where I am comfortable. Home with my only dog, computer and Hulu.

And lets not forget the death of my faithful friend, then the moving in to my dream place away from my sister and 3 year old nephew. The toxic relationship that only lasted as long as it did because he tried to save my dog only to make me feel awful about myself and trapped. Yes, I was the girl who sat at home waiting because we had made plans and he never showed up. I was the girl waiting by the phone when he said he'd call and never did. And lets not forget the moment I found his online dating profile but there were "no other girls". Yes, I was THAT girl.

All the while trying to keep it together, keep myself together and more and more stuff piling on. The loss of friends who stabbed me in the back over business. Time for another round of friend changes because that is the way life goes, as you grow some grow with you and some grow apart. More and more loss I have experienced.

Then my rental property was all of a sudden vacated early and I had to spend the last 2 weeks putting it back together and getting it rented again so I don't have to figure out to pay a mortgage payment on top of my bills.

All the while I have a company, that is growing like wildflowers in the sun and I think that it is beautiful and wonderful and I want to make everyone happy and give them everything that they want but I've had to steal away moments to myself. I have forced myself to make time for the rescue dog Mindy because she's had a harder life than most and it's not fair to complain about my petty problems. She actually brought my soul back to life, she's so silly and fun it's hard not to laugh.

So anyone that says "it's just business" is wrong or I'm wrong? Or I've just built a business on compassion where I feel my clients pain or frustration and take it on as my own and try and fix it. I don't let my clients know what's going on in my life, I don't apologize I just fix it, find a solution and move on. But maybe I should? It's been a hard few months, and I haven't cried, or been angry I've just pushed it aside and kept going. But the last 2 weeks have been tough. Having to re-prove myself to people, step up my game even more and get on top of it.

My new plan. This weekend I look at my goals and get on my new bright and shiny track and start going again. Taking a breath and getting it all done. I'm a fighter and always will be, but it's back to basics and re-analyzing my strategy. After all, that's what I'm good at - strategy, like really good at it.

Much Love and To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Arizona Graphic Design

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Not just for design

As most everyone knows, my life is my company, my clients and my dogs. In May, I lost my German Shepherd Modena unexpectedly. The loss took a toll on me and I was fortunate for all the support I received from my friends, family and clients. I had decided that I would never own another dog again, as the loss of Modena was difficult enough.

Then I began googling recently. I found a local German Shepherd rescue and decided to reach out. I am not sure about a dog or any of the sorts but Modena and I ran every morning for years and that was what I missed. I asked the rescue if I could volunteer to take one of their shepherds on play dates and they said absolutely.

I am enjoying my involvement with this organization and it is definitely healing my heart after Modena, I feel that she would be happy. I have had the opportunity to spend time with Mindy, a young white German Shepherd that is nothing but full of life.

I was never sure if there were opportunities that could be found to volunteer and take rescue dogs on outings. I am excited to become even more involved with these amazing dogs. I encourage others, especially if you are like me and enjoy running with an animal companion. There are so many dogs that need love and attention, as more homes goes in to foreclosure people are abandoning their homes and their pets in the backyards or cannot afford their pets. There are ways to help other animals without taking on the responsibilities of a new pet.

Mindy has changed my heart forever and I am grateful. I hope to spend even more time with more shepherds and watch them find great homes.

It's all about community whether you are in business or not!

To success,
Phoenix Graphic Design

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's a

When hiring a graphic designer to handle your design needs, website needs, SEO or marketing there has to be a level of trust between you and your designer. If you have chosen a good one, they will do everything they can that is in your best interest to make you successful. If you don't have full trust in them the relationship will never work.

Like any relationship, it is built on trust, honesty and communication. Same goes with your designer. You need to be able to communicate what you want, if you don't like something, if you want to change something, or go in a different direction. Although some conversations might be difficult, it is your business and they are assisting you with your business.

You don't have to use every bit of advice that they give you but always take it in to advisement. One of the best things that my dad ever told me was to listen to people that are wiser and more sucessful than you. Ultimately, I always make my own decisions, but not before consulting my dad and other business associates first.

I think that one of the keys to being sucessful in business is listening. The others? Always being professional, ethical, honest and good to others. It's important to have a great product, get it to market, advertise and saturate the market. But if you don't play well with others or treat other business's by being dishonest, or unethical then you won't get very far in business.

In the amount of time that I have been in business, I have always held on to those rules - although sometimes difficult. NThreeQ is built on those standards and always raising the bar higher to treat our clients with the most respect and make them happy.

To success!

Angelina Gonzales

Phoenix Graphic Designer

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Social Media

Social Media - an ultimate necessity for any business. Don't think that you need it - you are wrong.

You need it, more than ever and quicker than your competition. Facebook. Twitter, SEO all of it you need it. Sharing your information, what's new with your company, focusing on key words and content is so important. The key? You need an expert. And that's not a sales pitch to hire my company - although I do hope if you are reading this and agree you are emailing me right now for more information - here, let me make it easy for you.

But truth be told, over the last few weeks I have been assisting a client in cleaning up another SEO company's mess. This is where the knowledge is power comes in to play. When they guarantee you top Google rankings in less than 3 months run. If they guarantee tons of traffic to your website all of a sudden, run again. If they guarantee that they can track people throughout the Internet and place strategic banner ads run. Especially with the tracking - as web browsers get so amped up on security and privacy it's difficult to do any type of tracking like that.

The key - one is Google Analytics. 2 is blogging. 3 is social media. 4 continue continue continue.

In order to get strong Google rankings you need to do it organically - it takes time but once you get those rankings you hold them - it's not a jump and then a tank down to the number 50 spot.

Here is just a 16th of information about social media but hope it helps.

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Artist

Friday, May 7, 2010


I cannot believe that we just hit May. It's unbelievable, we are almost in the middle of the year and before I know it we will be in 2011. Wow, how time flies. I can't even keep track of it any more. Some things seem like it just happened last week and it was months ago.

I have learned a lot, as I always seem to blog about. But even more so in the last month. I am FINALLY beginning to learn about balance and how many people I have surrounded myself with that care about me. It's truly an honor to have these people in my life.

So now what? Find people that care about you and are supportive. Work with clients that are supportive and where they trust you and your judgment. I'm lucky to be able to tell my clients it might be a few hours - taking care of my dog and they understand. We have a working relationship but we are also family. That's how I enjoy working with my clients, I think that it's important to just enjoy what you are doing, everything else will come.

To much success,
NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Never, Never, Never Quit.

NThreeQ Media's history goes back longer than it's creation 3 years ago. And although I have learned a lot and continue to learn about business and people we have come a very long way.

My dad drove down to Phoenix recently to spend some RR with me and we began talking about NThreeQ's inception. It means to Never, Never, Never Quit. When the going gets tough you just keep going. My dad's philosophy is also "Ever Forward". We can never go back so we must move forward. We must focus on the opportunities and we must never quit.

There will be those that will help and those that will hurt but bottom line is that "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt said that. And it is very true.

NThreeQ has continued to grow through a down economy, and as the economy picks up it is the company's that made it through this that will now reap from it's benefits. As things look up we must move ever forward and never give up.

We specialize in small business's and business's that want a re-face. We excel with our non-profit organizations and truly believe in their missions to help people. We understand budgets and your mission, we enjoy the opportunity to assist in your goals.

To success,

NThreeQ Media, LLC
Phoenix Graphic Design

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some of the best advice

I love when people are passionate about what they do. It's inspiring, to hear what they believe and where they came from - I could listen to people talk about how staying positive and putting things out in the universe that you want will ultimately give you something in return. Sometimes disguised as something else, but never the less a beautiful little gem of a gift for life.

So here is what I got from this conversation:
Rather than reflecting on the here and the now, focus more on opportunities and possibilities. I have repeated that over and over in my head for the past week, and it is truly changing the way that I think. Every time there is a negative or something that is difficult that comes up in business I just focus more on the future and the opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.

Which, if you really think about it, could literally be anything. It's quite impressive. Imagine just putting it out there that this is what you want and that the here and the now is only the foundation of getting those amazing possibilities?

I love it.

Stop focusing on the money. If you do what you love and stop focusing on the dollar amount, on what you have or don't have or what material things you want, you will never be happy. I went from wanting to make a dollar amount to just wanting to be happy, successful and able to travel and live life and pay the bills. I no longer have some number in my head that I must achieve, I believe that when you focus on the opportunities and possibilities - the money will come. And when it does, you will be happy with where you are at that it won't define you anymore.

It's very freeing, and it just opens my mind.

I hope that I get to have lunch with this person again. He just knows how to life your spirit up and now I just know that building what I am building it will happen and that success and happiness and over all joy for life is just around the corner.

To success,
Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Business brings amazing relationships

People come in to your life for a moment, an hour, a day or a lifetime - that's what people say and it is oh so true.

My journey has only just begun and I feel like a child all over again looking at the world from below rather than above. My original 5-year plan at the age of 21 was to have my own office, in a large corporate building in a power position. 5 years later I had my own, very nice office on the 7th floor of a Biltmore office building and free rein to rock the company and make changes.

I got bored.

So now, it's my new 5-year plan. Take over Phoenix as the optimum choice for graphic and web design needs. Hire employees with massive talent and just build our client's business by bringing them to the next level.

The people that I have met along the way these past 3 years have changed my life, brought new perspective and gave me thicker skin to handle anything.

I feel like 2010 is going to be amazing, not only for business but also for my self. I'm making big strides to changing my life, taking healthier options, and being not only a friend and a sister but a teacher.

To success,
Phoenix Graphic Designer
NThreeQ Media. LLC

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Growth Train

All aboard!

We are on the growth train and cruising right along! In the last 3 years NThreeQ has doubled it's size and now for 2010 we want to triple.

I have learned a lot along the way. I have learned all about thick skin and trust and people. How to handle situations and push my feelings aside. Not to sweat the small stuff and to surround myself around like minded individuals. Some times, you trust those that you shouldn't but those same people teach you valuable lessons.

So for 2010 and all the valuable lessons I have learned along the way I am excited to say I have 2 new designers. I was very lucky in finding my programmers, they are talented and like-minded individuals. Designers were not as easy to come by. Being that I am a designer, it takes a certain personality to mesh right within my company's standard.

And yes, we are all now on board and cruising on the growth train! I am excited about these designers, I am excited for them to bring a new flavor to NThreeQ, a new style and a new attitude. That's what growth is right?

We are all in this big world in an industry where there is heavy competition - wait, what competition?! My programmer's and designers a like are ready to rock and roll and show Phoenix and the world what we have to offer.

Sometimes in business and in life there are set-backs and mistakes that are made. I have been dwelling on a mistake for the past few weeks. But it is time to get over it and move on - we all make bad decisions but it's what we do with those decisions that matters. So what did I do?

I reached out to some old friends. Found new, fresh talent and as one of my dad's favorite sayings is: "ever forward!"

To success,
Phoenix Graphic Artist
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Out with the Old, In with the new

I was having a conversation with my programmer the other day about finding the right people - and boy is it very difficult. You will never find someone as motivated as you because it's not there's - but you do hope that you can find someone that is dedicated and can do a good job. I have learned that not everyone has great work ethic and that people can pull the wool over your eyes to believe that they are something that they are not.

It seems like those people are in the wrong positions at the wrong company's. Nothing is wrong with not being a good fit somewhere - and that is another tough learning lesson. I am glad that I can continue to learn and grow and grow NThreeQ Media into a top design firm.

It is going to require many hours of work and finding the right fits and working with the wrong fits until they learn and they must move on. But I am excited for that. I am excited to teach designers what I know and help them to grow their own careers. I don't ever want to lose site of why I do what I do and why I love it so much.

So, as my programmer and I laughed about all the ups and downs of business, I am glad to have so many outlets to talk business to and understand what you are dealing with. I mean, we all have to stick together if we all going to make it. And that's what it's all about, finding where you fit and then loving what you do.

To much success,
Graphic Artist
NThreeQ Media, LLC

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Testing 1..2...3

I'm sleeping on my floor - well, thanks to Angel on an air mattress but never the less the floor. Perhaps you may think that I am doing an Ode to Van Gogh - who always slept on the floor, he didn't need those types of material items in his life, a tortured artist he truly was.

But alas, no, it is not that either. I wanted new bedroom furniture but would not buy any until I sold mine - and I did. Didn't think that it would sell so quickly, or that it would take me 2 weeks to find the perfect bed - it took me 10 minutes to find the ultimate mattress however. And when I get that new gem of sleeping goodness I cannot wait to spend my first night on it. The bed will come, in 2 weeks.

Angel and I can do nothing but laugh at how this all came in to place, that I live on the floor of my room and yet - it's still humbling. I've had a week, one of those weeks that no matter what you do - nothing is going your way or turning out right. I lost internet connection at my house at the same time that my blackberry stopped working. My favorite coffee cup broke this morning and after one of my meetings I cried (which is totally not characteristic of me) I have decided that the planets are not currently in line.

But, at the same time, I know that this is a test. Call me crazy but when you become an entrepreneur after awhile you realize that throughout your journey you will always be tested - perhaps for something bigger that is coming down the road or it's just another layer on your already thick skin that needs to happen.

No matter what, this past week has been a test and I'm not sure that I passed. After a few hours I finally figured out how to get internet and spending some time on the phone with Blackberry I finally fixed. I got a new coffee cup which is waiting for it's first cup of java tomorrow morning.

In life, when it all seems like nothing is going well, think of all of the positive. If you can't gain perspective, find a way to gain it. Some how sleep on the floor gives me a whole new perspective of life and what to appreciate.

To success,
NThreeQ Media
Phoenix Graphic Designer

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Life's Recap

It's another new year! And I can honestly tell you that I have no idea where 2009 went. I can actually remember the beginning of 2009 and then before I knew it I lost track of time and
*poof* it's over. I think that the 2 biggest things that occurred in 2009 was the new office, then another new office and the addition of Angel. After a 2 year sick of each other break she came on board to help grow my company and we've been non-stop ever since!

I'm moving again this year, I moved in 2009, in 2008 - twice and in 2007. I'm so exhausted of packing and moving I only hope that the next place I land I will be less inclined to move again. Renting out my house was the best thing I could have done 4 years ago - now I can still own something but at the same time have more flexibility to live where I want to live.

I finally got to take a vacation after 10 years and went to Napa Valley with my dad. That was an amazing trip which has inspired me to take more me time and take trips. With the ability to take my laptop and go I look at all the possibilities of travel and expanding in to as many other states as possible.

I feel that 2010 is going to be a great year, I can't say best ever because they have all been great and full of growth. I have grown and learned a lot. There are still many things that I need to work on, relaxing and taking a breath every now and again is definitely something that needs to be worked on!

I get to do what I love every day, for people that are amazing and doing amazing things. I feel honored to have what I have. I feel that us as a society get all caught up in the negativity or the things that go wrong we forget about what we have and where we have grown from.

To much success!
Phoenix Graphic Designer
Phoenix, AZ